
不好的味道: 电影制作硕士 Grads Bite Into 电影 Festivals

满帆's 电影制作硕士 grads tap into each other's strengths and weaknesses to find success at various 电影节.

不好的味道: 电影制作硕士 Grads Bite Into 电影 Festivals - Hero image

当你和普莉希拉·罗哈斯谈话时, you are immediately drawn to the excitement she has for her films and the people she has come across during her journey. 她喜欢拍摄电影的实际过程, 但更重要的是, she’s proud of the work she’s done since graduating from 满帆’s 电影制作硕士 2016年计划.

在她入学之前, 普莉希拉的主要背景是媒体传播, a subject she studied while in her home country of Venezuela. 作为她论文的一部分, she made a documentary about Venezuelan cinema but the thesis ended up being more than just a project, 她在满帆获得了硕士学位 电影制作.

“I knew it was something that I wanted to do this for the rest of my life,普里西拉说.

在满帆的第一个月 电影制作硕士 程序, Priscilla was assigned to a production team with fellow students Eduardo Aguirre, 米格尔Escobar, 和安德鲁·华莱士. The four would work together throughout the entirety of their degree 程序, 每个人在生产过程中扮演不同的角色. It was through this team assignment that Priscilla and Miguel realized that their interest in film wasn’t the only factor they had in common. They both realized that they had both studied media communications and had grown up only a short distance from each other in Venezuela.

“It’s crazy because we lived really close to each other but we had never met prior to coming to 满帆,普里西拉说.

Having backgrounds in different fields helped the group take on different roles through the completion of their thesis. 爱德华多和安德鲁加入了小组. Eduardo had previously studied graphic design in his home country of Mexico, and was able to help the group with the marketing component of their film projects and Andrew’s familiarity and background with cameras helped the group fill the gaps in production while filming.

“My background in media communications helped me in a lot of our tasks because I knew how to handle interviews and create schedules,普里西拉说. “I had the information I needed in preparation our film production.”

随着项目的深入, their classes required the selection of a script in order to produce a thesis film. This thesis film would be presented as a package during their final months of the MFA 程序; creating a trailer for their project, 营销工作, and tactics to submit to 电影节 were part of the course, 也.

不好的味道, based on a script written by Miguel, was selected as the group’s thesis film. The lessons their instructors had been providing them would be beneficial to their group as the film has since been selected for inclusion in several international 电影节.

“学习如何管理电影的不同阶段, from preproduction to dealing with the submission process to 电影节, was made easier because our instructors prepared us for that — we were made aware of how to lead a production to success,普里西拉说.

制作《OG官网》的经历 电影节 对普莉希拉和团队都有好处吗. They were hoping to get their project submitted to a few festivals but did not expect it to be recognized so quickly. 虽然他们很自豪 不好的味道 做得很好, it is her work with Eduardo on another project done for a class that has given Priscilla opportunities she could have never expected.

不好的味道, Priscilla and Eduardo decided to market and submit a film they had previously worked on together.

爱德华多和我一起做了一个项目 蓝色的血 我们的实验电影制作课程,”普里西拉说. “Eduardo was the one who had the idea to submit it to the 国际 Vampire 电影 and 艺术s Festival.”

蓝色的血, 哪部电影入选了8届电影节, is a short film set in the future and features a new species of humans that are more vampire-like and have the capability of affecting the existing race of humans.

尽管2016年毕业, the group forged a bond throughout their time at 满帆 that has led them to impressive early success. Priscilla, Eduardo, and Andrew moved to Miami together to continue working on projects. 他们目前在一家独立制作公司工作, Alpha娱乐服务, 制作两个电视节目,叫做 La Hora del Brunch,现场表演,还有 命运在未来,内容涉及旅游和美食.

给普莉希拉和她的同事们, the lessons learned at 满帆 have helped them take their work from small beginnings to international settings.

“彼得戈登, 我们的一位教官, 他告诉我们,网络是当今社会的基础,普里西拉说. 这是完全正确的. I’m so thankful I made many friends and that we are still able to work together on these projects.”